Test and Analysis of a Dynamic Contact Process of Ultrasonic Feeding An ultrasonic transmission thickness measurement system for rivulet on the stay cable under rain-wind induced vibration 超声振动输送的物料纵向振动过程测试与分析斜拉索风雨激振水线的超声波测试研究
Before the wide spread adoption of contact process, the chamber process was used. 在接触法普遍采用之前,使用铅室法。
The Existence of an Intermediate Phase for the Contact Process on Some Product Graphs 某些乘积图上接触过程的中间状态的存在性
Most sulfuric acid is made by the contact process. 大多数的硫酸是用接触法制造的。
However, when these hard probes are used for fritting contact process, aluminum debris adheres to the probes and the contact failure occurs after several hundred contacts. 然而,当这些硬探头被用于烧结接触过程,在几百次的接触过后,铝的碎片附着在探头上使得接触失败。
In this article, we discuss the survival problem of a sort of not attractive contact process by means of duality, and give the sufficient condition of the survival of the process. 研究了一个非吸引性无穷粒子系统的生存性问题,通过用对偶的方法与其具有相同死亡速率的基本接触过程的生存性进行比较,给出了该系统生存的一个充分条件。
We report on the contact process utilizing fritting phenomena between Al electrode and probes made of tin or tin gold alloy. 我们曾经报告过利用铝电极和锡或锡合金探头之间的烧结现象来实现接触的过程。
Micro contact process analysis in abrasive wear by finite element method 磨粒磨损中微观接触过程的有限元分析
In the contact process, the temperature and modulus are changed with time. 并考虑了接触过程中温度、模量等随时间的增加而改变。
Contact Process and Friction Analysis of Linear Ultrasonic Motor 直线型驻波超声电机的定、动子间接触及摩擦分析
Therefore study on the motion characteristics of the teeth is meaningful for the further study on the contact process between the stator and the rotor. 因此对齿的运动特性的研究对进一步研究定、转子的摩擦接触过程有很重要的意义。
In the present article, by using coupling technique, we establish the relation between Ising model and contact process. 本文利用耦合的技巧,建立了Ising模型与接触过程的联系。
By using aerobic contact process as aftertreatment, effluent quality meets the discharge standards. 补充好氧接触氧化法作后处理,出水水质满足排放要求。
This article introduces the study of the anaerobic contact process, which is used to treat the concentrated waste water of distilled alcohol from the liquid of molasses. 本文主要介绍用厌氧接触法处理高浓度的糖蜜酒精废水进行的试验研究。
According to the variation laws of plastic zone, stress and displacement fields of concrete lining in the contact process, the transfering process of tangential stress of lining and rock mass can be well simulated by setting up precrack element at possible crack position. 根据接触过程中衬砌塑性区、应力场和位移场的变化规律,在其可能开裂部位通过设置预裂单元模拟衬砌开裂后其切向应力的释放、转移过程。
Experimental study on viscosity variation of crude oil in oil-water contact process 水、油接触过程中原油粘度变化的试验研究
Analysis of Interface Heat Transfer Coefficient of Stainless Steel during Non-Isothermal Contact Process 不锈钢非等温接触过程热传导系数的分析
The elastoplastic model is established based on contact process. 讨论了建模中的关键技术,创建了基于接触的弹塑性模型。
In the contact process, They take shape being conscious of self, Develop on community one section, Promote their socialization process. 在与同伴的交往过程中,逐渐形成了自我意识,发展出社会性的一面,推动自身的社会化过程,也不断接触、领悟城市文化。
Furthermore, according to the present and future contact force status, the controller can adjust the gains of the future and current contract force error to make the controller adaptive to the dynamic contact process between environment and robot. 而且,该控制器可以按照当前和将来的接触力状态来调节预测的接触力误差和实际测得的当前接触力误差的权值,使控制器对机器人和环境之间的动态接触过程具有适应性。
Numerical simulation of elastic contact process analysis by FEM 弹性接触过程分析的有限元数值模拟
Study on the treatment of starch wastewater with anaerobic contact process 厌氧接触消化技术处理高浓度淀粉废水研究
Techniques for treating ammonia nitrogen in tannery wastewater by biological contact process have been studied. 探讨了制革废水的生物接触法处理工艺。
The advantages of the anaerobic contact process are its easy management and wide application. 厌氧接触法是一种管理方便应用广泛的厌氧处理工艺。
The main contents are as follows: 1. Establishing the model of the ciliated-intestinal contact process. 具体研究内容如下:一、纤毛&肠道接触过程建模。
The last part gets a complete set of design, calculation results and chart papers, after detailed discussion on the work principles, disadvantages of the membrane-organism contact process technique, and detailed design and calculation of the whole technique process. 文章最后对膜&生物接触氧化处理工艺的工作原理、优点、缺点进行了详细的论述,并对整个工艺过程做了详细的设计计算,从而得出了一套完整的设计计算结果。
Also, It presents a method of object-based action units assortment according to the contact process and extent of virtual man to the object. 根据虚拟人和操作对象的接触过程和接触程度,提出了基于操作对象的动作单元分类方法。
Vietnamese and Chinese contact process had to borrow some words. 越南语在与汉语接触过程中曾借用不少词语。
Model based on the theories of torsion vibration treated the gear system as a vibrated system, which considered the meshing stiffness and the torsion stiffness and neglected the meshing contact process. 基于扭转振动理论建模方法考虑了齿轮的啮合刚度以及传动轴的扭转刚度,忽略轮齿的啮合接触过程,将齿轮系统视为弹性的振动系统,仿真结果给出了系统固有特性和振动响应。
Neglecting the contact process, the pole-snow is described by unilateral constraint of multibody system dynamics. 忽略滑雪杖雪地的接触碰撞过程,把滑雪杖雪地的关系用多体系统动力学的单面约束进行描述。